Increased hardness from Cheam Treatment Works

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Planned inspections

Planned Inspections

We must inspect certain types of premises to ensure the water systems meet the requirements of the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. The premises we predominantly visit (but not limited to) are Fluid Category 4 and 5 risk.

During our visit we will:

  • Carry out a free in depth inspection of your plumbing systems
  • Not disrupt your water supply
  • Inform you of any issues whilst on site 
  • Produce a detailed report highlighting the required improvements you may need to make to comply with the regulations
  • Offer technical guidance required to achieve compliance
  • Agree a realistic timescale for you to complete the improvements.

What you need to do:

  • Allow us access to all parts of your water systems
  • Make available any site plans (if possible) and show us around the site
  • Once you receive your report, ensure that it is actioned
  • Arrange for the work to be completed within the required time period and let us know so we can arrange a time to re-inspect where necessary.

For more information or if you feel your premises would benefit from a Planned Inspection, please contact us on


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