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Rainfall and resources

Rainfall and rivers are key to us being able to supply you with a high-quality supply of water.

Rainfall and resources

Groundwater levels –  Significantly above average

Bough Beech Reservoir level – 95.1% full

Like all water companies, we depend on winter rainfall for the water we supply to our customers as underground aquifers – rocks which act like a giant sponge – only usually fill up between October and March when there is less plant growth and evaporation. 

We are asking all our customers to continue using water wisely - whatever the weather. Meanwhile, we're playing our part to find and fix leaks as quickly as possible, using our smart network.

We also continue to work closely with government, regulators and other water companies, to minimise the need for any restrictions in the summer ahead.

Each person in our supply area uses around 150 litres of water a day at home – that’s 20 litres higher than the national average. Water is a precious resource whatever the weather and as 85 per cent of the water we supply to our customers comes from underground, our water efficiency activities and messages are relevant all year round. We have a wealth of tips and information on saving water, as well as tools to help customers reduce their bill and free water saving devices.

We are also doing our bit to ensure that there is enough water available for people's vital every day needs by:

  • Finding and fixing leaks as quickly as we can – including on customers’ pipes

  • Starting up additional water treatment works

  • Moving water around our pipe network to use more plentiful resources

  • Providing water saving visits for our customers

Below you can find more information about rainfall and resources levels which is updated regularly.

Current resources level 

Water Levels 29 December 2024 

As of 30 December 2024.



Rainfall Levels 29 December 2024

As of 29 December 2024.

Bough Beech Reservoir Level

 Bough Beech Reservoir Level 29 December 2024


As of 29 December 2024.

Chipstead Reference Borehole Level

Chipstead Borehole 29 December 2024 


As of 29 December 2024.

Water Supply Demand

 Water Supply Demand Graph 29 December 2024

As of 29 December 2024.

Raw data spreadsheet

To download, please click on the spreadsheet document. This is a ZIP format file containing the full set of all available data in a multi-sheet Excel format spreadsheet. (data updated monthly)

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