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Water meters

We're fitting water meters

We're fitting water meters for all homes in our area, helping to protect our precious water resources for the future while also helping our customers to save water.

Find out more about our metering programme below.

Why we're fitting water meters

Your water meter journey

Where we'll fit your water meter

How we'll fit your water meter

When we'll fit your water meter

What you'll pay on a water meter

How you can save water and money

If you're worried about your bill

Frequently asked questions

Why we’re fitting water meters and how they can help you

We live in an area that is classified as seriously water stressed by the Environment Agency. This means unless we make some changes there may not be enough water to meet the needs of the environment and our customers in the future.

Homes with water meters use around 15% less water and this can help reduce both your water and energy bills. Water meters are the fairest way of charging for water, putting you in control as you pay for what you use. Water meters also help spot leaks at your property which could help prevent damage to your home.

Your water meter journey

Where we’ll fit your water meter

We’ll carry out a survey to see where we can fit your water meter. You won’t need to be home for this. If we need to carry out a more detailed survey where we will need to access your back garden or inside your home, we’ll let you know.

We'll fit your water meter by your stop tap which is usually outside in the pavement, underground, or just inside your property boundary. We'll let you know when we'll be in your area to fit your water meter.


When we’ll fit your water meter

We’ll send you a letter ahead of your water meter being fitted so you know when we’ll be coming. Typically, you won’t need to be home when we fit your water meter, but we’ll let you know if we need you to provide access.

What happens after your water meter’s fitted?

Once we fit your water meter we’ll leave you with a water meter information pack, giving you all the details about your one year comparison period.
You can switch as soon as the water meter is installed or wait until you've received your first update so you can understand how much water you're using and what it means for your bills. 

Alternatively, you can take a year to compare your current un-metered bill against your new metered bill and try different ways to help save water and reduce your bill before we switch you over to metered charges.

Click here to complete our online GetWaterFit calculator to see how much water you may use, book a free water saving visit and order water saving devices.
Once you’ve switched to metered charges, we’ll come out to read your water meter twice a year and send you a bill based on the water you’ve used. You can easily view your bills, track your water usage and much more by registering for MyAccount.

Log in / Register


What you can expect to pay when switching to metered charges

The information below will show average yearly metered charges for fresh water only and doesn’t include wastewater charges. This is based on the number of people living in your home.

People Low user Average user High user
 1  £74 £104 £134 
 2  £118 £177  £236
 3  £160 £246 £332 
 4  £198 £310 £422 
 5  £240 £378 £518
 6  £280 £448 £614
Low user

Away from the house for the majority of they day, only uses washing machine occasionally and takes short showers instead of baths.

Average user

Uses water as and when its needed, washing machine and dishwasher used most days, takes showers with the occasional bath.

High user

User water frequently through out the day, including daily baths or a power shower, uses washing machine every day and regularly uses a sprinkler or hose.

How you can use less water and save more on your bills

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving - this saves around 6 litres of water every minute.
  • If you have a dual flush toilet, use the small flush when possible.
  • Take a four minute shower rather than filling up the bath as this will help to save water and money on your bills.
  • Use the plug or a bowl to wash your dishes so you don’t leave the tap running.
  • Make sure washing machines and dishwashers run on a full-load as half-load settings use more water and energy.

You can also complete our online GetWaterFit calculator here to see how much water you may use, book a free water saving visit and order water saving devices.

If you’re worried about your bill

We understand that despite best efforts to use less water, some customers will see their bills increase. If you experience financial challenges, let us help. We can offer support with your bills, depending on your circumstances. This includes the following:

Water Support Scheme - a 50% bill reduction for eligible homes on low incomes.

WaterSure - a capped tariff for certain metered customers so you pay whichever bill is lower - the one based on your actual usage, or the capped amount in place for that year. This support applies to metered customers who receive specified benefits and:

  • Have three or more dependant children, under the age of 19, living with them, or
  • Suffer from (or have someone living with them who suffers from) a medical condition that involves using large volumes of water.

Breathing Space - a way to pause payments for customers, who’ve had a change in certain personal circumstances that has an unexpected negative impact on income - such as illness, redundancy or bereavement.

If you think you may be eligible for support on any of the above schemes, please click here for more information on how to apply.


Frequently Asked Questions