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Let us know someone has passed away


If you need to let us know one of our customers has passed away, we’re here to help you through the next steps.

If there is more than one company you need to inform, we recommend using LifeLedger, here. Where you can create a free online account, fill in one form and notify many companies from one place – including us. 

If its just us, please choose one of the options below:

What you’ll need

  • Your name and contact details, including your phone number and address
  • Any details of the SES Water account holder you might have, like their full name, postcode, or date of birth
  • The contact details for the executor or the person taking over the water account (in case that won’t be you)
  • The meter readings from the home we supply, if you’re able to get them

What are the next steps

We’ll take you through all the options and make sure you’re happy with how the water account will be managed from now on and update you on any changes

Get independent advice
For free, independent advice on dealing with the account of someone who’s passed away, you might also want to contact these organisations:

If yes, please provide the following details

If rented, please provide as many of rental details as possible below

You might want to choose this option if you've been living at the property we supply. The process is simple, we'll transfer the current water account to your name. You'll become responsible for paying any outstanding and future bills and you'll keep the same SES water account number.

Probate (in England and Wales) or confirmation (Scotland) could take several months - normally between 6 and 9. When everything's ready, please give us a call on 01737 785 606 so we can settle the water account (you won't need to fill out this form again). In the meantime, we'll keep suppling the property.

If, for example, the property we supply is put on the market and you want to keep the water supplied until a sale goes through, this option could be the right one. If you choose this, we'll set up a new account for you so you'll only need to pay any future bills - covering the water you'll use from the day you take over the account. Anything that's outstanding will then be settled when probate or confirmation is completed.