Increased hardness from Cheam Treatment Works

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It is important that we abide by a number of policies, codes and statements as part of providing our essential service.


Dividend policy

Dividend levels are agreed each year by the Board and take into account how well we are performing against a range of targets. Our Board also considers how well we are performing against our budget and the commitments we've made to our customers. Only when all these factors have been considered are dividend levels agreed.

Dividend policy 

 Executive directors' remuneration policy

The Company’s executive remuneration policy is designed to attract and retain good quality senior executives having regard to other UK-based businesses. It provides for a remuneration package, the variable element of which reflects the Company’s performance against stretching customer service, operational and financial objectives. 

Remuneration policy  

Privacy notice

This policy (together with any other documents referred to in it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you or that you provide to us or that we obtain about you will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

Read our privacy notice

Other policies

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Publications We publish information about what we do and the decisions we make

Icon showing 3 people

The view of our CEO CEO statement

Our Customer Scrutiny Panel Group of stakeholders that represent our customers