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Change of occupancy

Change of occupancy

By 2025, we're installing water meters for the majority of our customers who don't already have one.

In the meantime, our policy is to install a water meter in household properties when there is a change of occupier. This includes tenanted as well as owner-occupied properties.

We will carry out a survey to confirm whether the property you live in is suitable for having a meter. If not, we'll move you to an Assessed Charge, reflecting the estimated amount of water used in a property during one year, based on the number of bedrooms and the number of people living there. Please visit for more details.

The meter will be installed within 12 weeks of the date we are made aware there is a change in occupier. In the meantime, you will not receive a bill. Once your meter has been installed, we will open an account and include in your first bill a charge to cover usage from the date of occupation to the date the meter is installed.

You can find out more detail about this scheme by reading the factsheet below. Alternatively, you can email us at, or call us on 01737 919485.