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Our net zero carbon routemap

Our net zero carbon routemap

Our route to net zero operational emissions will take us down a ‘demand-led’ pathway. We consider this to be the most affordable, sustainable and resilient way to achieve net zero carbon by 2030, supported by existing technologies such as renewable generation and electric vehicles. A demand-led approach is challenging but by engaging and collaborating with our customers, supply chain partners, local businesses and other stakeholders to make sure our activities not only reduce carbon, but deliver wider social, economic and environmental benefits as well. 


For example, by helping customers reduce their water demand, it not only delivers carbon savings for us as a business but reduces the amount of water abstracted from the environment, protecting habitats, reduces the amount customers have to spend on water and, where water is then heated before use, reduces the customers' energy bill and their own carbon footprint.


There are five strategic areas of focus to our net zero carbon routemap that will reduce our annual operational carbon emissions by 2,411 tonnes.



In each of these areas we will:


  • Demonstrate environmental and customer benefit
  • Involve the customer and our community in our commitments
  • Aim to sustain and enrich lives

We do expect to see significant change between now and 2030 including regulatory transformation and technology innovation which may mean we change our ambitions, always aiming to keep our route map focused on the most sustainable, resilient and lowest cost path to net zero.

Delivering wider benefits

We've used the six capital approach to show how our carbon activities help deliver wider benefits and greater value to society. 

Icon showing 3 people

The view of our CEO CEO statement

icon showing trees and rain drops

Our carbon footprint What makes up our footprint?

icon showing hand holding leaf

Our progress so far How we have got to where we are now