Increased hardness from Cheam Treatment Works

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Change or remove your details

Change or remove your details

Your details

Please enter your new contact details below and make sure all mandatory fields, marked with a ‘*’, are completed. If you are asking to be removed from the PSR, please fill out all mandatory fields in the contact details section below and scroll to the remove section at the bottom of the form.

Change your details

If there has been a change to your circumstances, please tick the category that applies to you below. You can tick as many as you need:

Services requested

I would like to register for the following services.

(please tick the appropriate box or boxes)

I have a medical condition which requires special consideration.

Nominee contact details

If you would like someone to speak to us on your behalf, please enter their details below. Please note that we will not be able to provide a nominee service unless full contact details are provided.

How we use your data

You need to choose one of the options below to confirm how you want us to manage your data. I give SES Water permission to:

We recommend that you choose this option which will allow us to share your details with our trusted partners like the energy sector, who can provide you with support in the event of an energy emergency. *Please note this information will never be shared for marketing purposes.

This means we will hold the information you have given us on this form on our system and provide additional services to either help you manage your water account or support you in the event of a water supply interruption. *Please note choosing this option will mean we are unable to share your information with our trusted partners like the energy sector who provide support in the event of an energy emergency.

To view our company-wide data policy and standards, just visit

Removal from PSR

Would you like to be removed from our PSR?

If you want to remove your details, we may check whether you have any other support in place and ask you to confirm you no longer wish to benefit from our priority services. If you’re dependent on water or use a dialysis machine, feeding pump or automated medication, we may advise you to update your details and stay on the register so we can support you in water related emergencies. However, the decision to stay or leave the Priority Services Register is always yours. We will get in touch following our review.

By clicking 'Submit' you consent for us to store this information on your account and use it in accordance with your preferences. We will contact you every two years to get an update on your circumstances to make sure we supporting you as best we can.