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Launch of new education website to help home schooling

Home-schooling parents set to receive a boost with new lockdown activities from SES Water


SES Water is launching a brand new website to help primary school children learn more about the importance of water, climate change and biodiversity while they are spending more time at home.

The free online resource, called ‘Flow Zone’, will teach children about water from collection through to treatment and supply. There are plenty of interactive games, including ‘Pipe Mania’ which provides the challenge of connecting customers up to a supply of water as well as Pump Power, demonstrating how energy is used to get water to homes. There are practical activities, experiments and a competition for the whole family to get involved in. Throughout the site there is also information and advice encouraging water efficiency and highlighting the environmental and cost benefits of saving water in the home. Children can also find out more about what water workers do and why they are classed as key workers in the current crisis.

The launch, at the start of Water Saving Week on Monday 11 May, forms part of the Company’s wider education programme, which over the last 20 years has ensured over 250,000 adults and children across its supply area have learned more about the link between water supplies and the wider environment. Later this year a brand new state-of-the-art education centre will open at Bough Beech reservoir, near Edenbridge in Kent – the single largest investment the Company has made in the programme to date.

SES Water Education Co-ordinator Jo Hedges, who has developed the site, said: “With home-schooling set to continue for a while yet, we wanted to support parents with new materials that are fun and easy to follow while at the same time demonstrate the vital work we do to keep the taps flowing. Our education programme has always played a hugely important role in the communities we serve and the investment in this website as well as our new centre will help us continue to raise awareness of our most precious resource.”

For more information, visit the site at: