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During water saving week SES Water makes saving of over two million litres

During water saving week SES Water highlights how it has saved over two million litres while testing its new pipeline


SES Water, working in partnership with J. Murphy & Sons Limited, recently laid a new water main between Woodmansterne and Purley and as part of the testing process, diverted approximately two million litres of water from waste back into their treatment process ready to be treated and distributed to customers.

The water that was pumped through the new 6.8 kilometre pipe to test for leaks will improve resilience against drought and loss of supply to over 44,000 properties. This water would normally end up in nearby drains, gullies or water courses but in this instance was pumped back to Kenley Water Treatment Works. This process move equates to a saving of 285,000 toilet flushes, 34,000 seven-minute showers or 111,000 dishwasher cycles!

SES Water Project Manager, Simon Thomson, said; “We are always encouraging our customers to save water but it’s just as important that we do our bit too, so it’s great to be able to take advantage of our existing network to redirect such a large amount of water back to our treatment works. To ensure a new water main is fit for purpose before we use it, a huge amount of water is needed. So, to use an innovative solution to save two million litres on this project alone definitely helps us to be more water efficient as a company.”

The south east is a water-stressed area with less rain per person than Morocco, so it is vitally important that everybody – customers and water companies – use water wisely.