Increased hardness from Cheam Treatment Works

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Concerned about Coronavirus?

Coronavirus update - a message to our customers

At this difficult time for everyone, we know that you, our customers and communities, are relying on us for the continued supply of high-quality drinking water. Indeed, our number one priority will always be the health of our workforce and our customers. I want to reassure you that we always respond quickly to put our contingency plans into action following the Government's latest advice. Like others across the water industry, our people are classed as key workers and we will be here 24/7, treating and distributing millions of litres to homes, schools, hospitals and businesses every single day.

You may need to speak with us of course and we are here for you, particularly those that may need extra help at the moment. I know some people will be concerned about paying their water bill. Rest assured that we already have financial support available to those that need it and have put more measures in place now too - have a look below at the ways we can help.

Lastly, I want to thank my colleagues at SES Water and our supply chain for their unwavering professionalism, commitment and flexibility during uncertain times - their extraordinary resilience means no one needs to worry about their water supply and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure this will always be the case.

Ian Cain, Chief Executive Officer at SES Water

Here for you and staying safe

The health and safety of our employees and customers is really important to us, and we’re asking for your help and support to protect them as well as you and your families.

As an essential service provider we are still allowed to work in customers' homes and will therefore continue to carry out all activity while taking the necessary extra precautions. This includes asking a few questions when we arrive to check that it is a safe situation for everybody. If we should call at your home and you’re unwell, please let our teams know immediately so that we can take the necessary precautions to keep you and our teams safe. 

We are experiencing a high number of telephone calls at the moment so we encourage you to use our website to do the following very quickly and easily:

Pay your bill

Update your account details

Let us know you’re moving home

Set up or change a direct debit

Report a leak

You can also contact us through our @SESWater Twitter account or use our online enquiry form.  

Facing financial hardship

If you're having difficulty paying your bill at the moment, the sooner you let us know the better. We can't cancel it, but we can help. We also offer a range of other support schemes that you may be able to benefit from, depending on your circumstances. For more information visit our Help paying your bill page.

Higher than usual bill?

We know it can be worrying if your bill seems higher than usual but there might be a simple explanation for it. The most common cause of high bills is using lots of water so take a moment to consider the amount of water you have used recently. Many of us have been spending more time at home over the past year and we have noticed a 12% increase in household demand for water compared to before the pandemic started. For more support visit our Higher than usual bill page

Priority Services

If you or any of your family and friends have particular health issues and haven’t yet registered for Priority Services, please let us know. Being on the register means we are able to offer you a range of extra services to support you. If you know of someone who isn’t online then you can register them on their behalf.

Join the Priority Services Register

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation and please continue to follow NHS advice

Frequently asked questions