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Services to NAVs

Services to NAVs

If you are a NAV company seeking to become the appointee for a site that is currently in our area, you will need some information from us as the incumbent water company to support your application to Ofwat. This may include confirmation of whether we serve properties within the site, setting up a bulk supply agreement and providing bulk supply for water to the boundary of your site

What is a NAV?

A NAV (New Appointment and Variations) involves one company replacing another as the appointee for a specific geographic area. 

There are three circumstances in which a NAV can be granted:

  • Where the premises of one or more customers is supplied (or is likely to be supplied) with at least 50 megalitres of water per year.
  • Where no premises within the area are served by an appointed company i.e. the site is ‘unserved’. This includes areas which are supplied by private, unregulated supplies.
  • If the existing appointed company consents to the transfer of that area.

A new appointment is made when a limited company is appointed by Ofwat for the first time to provide water and/or sewerage services for a specific geographical area.  A variation is where an existing appointed company asks Ofwat to vary its appointment so it can extend the area it provides services to.

A new appointee has the same duties and responsibilities as the previous statutory water company, they will adopt, own, and maintain the network for the specific geographic area.

Bulk Supply Agreement

If we are providing bulk water to supply your site, we’ll need to enter into a Bulk Supply Agreement. Ofwat will require this agreement to be in place before they grant the appointment or variation. Our template are based upon the Water UK water industry standard agreements.

Bulk Supply Charging Arrangements for NAVs

Please find below the SES Water Bulk Supply Charging Arrangement for New Appointments and Variation (NAVs) 2022/23.

Application Process Overview

Step 1 - Site status request

Step 2 - Make a Bulk Supply application

Step 3 - Receive Bulk Supply offer

Step 4 - Bulk Agreement

Step 5 - Awaiting acceptance and pay

Step 6 - Water connection

Any queries relating to the Bulk Supply Charging Arrangements or the NAV application process please contact us on