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Your Water, Your Say Online Meeting

'Your water, your say' Online Meeting

Your Water Your Say Logo

On Thursday 16 November 2023 we held our second 'Your water, your say' online Q&A session where customers could find out more about our future plans, and ask us your questions. 

All UK water companies produce a Business Plan every five years, which sets out what they intend to achieve - from fixing burst pipes to enhancing the environment and helping customers to save water and money - and how much they need to charge through their bills to do this.

At the start of October 2023 we submitted our draft Business Plan to Ofwat, our regulator. This was shaped by customer research carried out over the last few years as well as customers'  feedback during our first 'Your water, your say session in April.

You can view a copy of the presentation from the second meeting here and a transcript of the meeting here.

A full write up of the meeting, including all the questions and answers, can be read here

You can read what customers told us during the first session here

For more information about the 'Your water, your say' sessions, or find details of Thames Water and Southern Water’s meetings for wastewater customers, visit the Ofwat website.