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Our future plans - PR24 Business Plan and Long-Term Delivery Strategy

Our future plans - business plan 2025 to 2030

Our business plan sets out how we will improve our service to customers between 2025 and 2030.

It will enable us to deliver our purpose - to harness the potential of water to enhance nature and improve lives - which recognises our unique role in society, one where through our day-to-day business we can deliver additional benefits beyond the provision of safe, clean and reliable drinking water. 

We submitted our plan in October 2023 and Ofwat made its Draft Determination on the plan in July 2024. We've now provided our response to the Draft Determination and await Ofwat's Final Determination at the end of the year. Please see links below to our response.

Our draft determination response

Each of the response appendices and models can be downloaded from the list below.

At a glance: our business plan

You can download a summary of our plan below. 

Our business plan chapters

The plan has been organised into 11 chapters, each of which can be downloaded from the list below. 

You can download a copy of our latest Business Plan tables here:

A summary of the key changes are here:

Our long-term delivery strategy

Our long-term delivery strategy shows the priorities and level of ambition we have during the next 25 years and can be viewed by downloading the file below.

Supporting documents

We've published a number of supporting documents that cover our business plan and long-term delivery strategy