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Our drought plan

Our drought plan

Our Drought Plan has now been published. The document and appendices A,B, E, K and L can all be read below:

Read our Drought Plan 2022

Appendix A - Groundwater Drought Triggers November 22

Appendix B - Bough Beech Drought Triggers November 22

Appendix E - Groundwater Drought Options November 22

Appendix K - SEA non-technical summary November 22

Appendix L - SEA non-technical summary November 22

Our statement of response to our previous consultation in 2021 is still available to read below:

Read our Drought Plan statement of response 2021  

Our existing Drought Plan sets out how we will determine when a drought is triggered, how we will respond operationally, as well as the measures taken to mitigate the effects and monitor the impact of those actions, both during their implementation and afterwards.

Read our Drought Plan 2019