Increased hardness from Cheam Treatment Works

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Company Monitoring Framework

Company monitoring framework

The Company monitoring framework was introduced by Ofwat, the economic regulator for the water sector, in 2015. The framework describes how Ofwat will oversee that we, and other water and wastewater companies, are providing our customers and other stakeholders with information they can have confidence in. This framework supports the sector's shared vision for customers to have trust and confidence in the services we provide.

Risks, strengths and weaknesses and assurance activity

The first step we have taken to comply with the framework requirements this year is to identify our risks, strengths and weaknesses.  After consultation, we have published a final statement explaining the areas that we are targeting for assurance this year and provide a summary of the planned assurance activity. This can be downloaded at the link below.

Our targeted areas for the current year are:

  • Annual charging information and customer bills – these outline the charges that will apply for the supply of water
  • Annual performance report – this report tells stakeholders how we have performed against the targets that we planned to achieve

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